NRC’s operation
The NRC programme in Uganda focusses on the most vulnerable refugees and host communities with timely innovative responses. NRC responds in all larger refugee communities with a multi-sector response in education, livelihood, shelter and WASH as well as ICLA.
Since 2019, NRC has supported vulnerable urban refugees in Kampala as well as the increasing refugee numbers from DR Congo and Burundi in the west and south of Uganda. Youth programming with skills training has been developed and NRC is working in different consortia to further strengthen this part of the response.
We work to improve attendance rates in school, especially among girls. We offer an accelerated education programme for refugee children, so that they catch up and join the official school system. Our education teams:
- offer catch-up classes and support primary education for children and young adults
- provide vocational training to young adults with self-employment and diversified livelihood options
- support teacher professional development
- support construction and rehabilitation of learning facilities
- support improvement of teachers’ welfare in hard-to-reach areas
- provide scholastic materials
Information, counselling and legal assistance (ICLA)
Our information services help refugees make informed decisions about returning to their home countries. Our ICLA teams:
- help refugees obtaining legal documentation
- help resolve disputes on housing, land and property
- research and provide information services and training sessions on housing, land and property, refugee status determination, legal identity, and employment laws and procedures
Livelihoods and food security
The lack of post-primary school opportunities is a major challenge for refugees in Uganda. To help them earn a living, our livelihood and food security teams:
- support communities to access agricultural tools and seeds
- offer vocational skills development for refugees and nationals in self-employment, agriculture and entrepreneurship
- provide business support and cash grants to vulnerable youths to increase their access to income generating livelihood opportunities
- provide cash grants to refugees with specific needs, especially those with disabilities, single-headed households and elderly people, to enable them to cover their basic needs upon arrival
Shelter and settlements
Our shelter teams:
- construct emergency and semi-permanent shelter and latrines, especially for refugees with specific needs, like people with disabilities and the elderly
- build and rehabilitate learning spaces and provide furniture
Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) promotion
Our WASH teams are responsible for bringing clean water and sanitation to displaced and local communities. Our WASH experts:
- provide clean drinking water and latrines to settlements, as well as schools and vocational centres
- together with communities, establish water facilities for refugee villages and schools
- provide permanent water solutions to refugees