Water Mission is a non-profit Christian engineering orgenization providing sustainable safe water and sanitation solutions for people in developing countries and disamer areas. Safe water is the source of life. it is the foundation for health. eduoallon and viable economies. Through the generous support of individuals, churches. corporate partners and many others. Water Mission has broughl relief and hope to more than 3.3 million people across the globe.
Addmonaliy, Water Mission operates nine country program in Latin America. Airica and Asia and hes served 53 difierent countries on live different contients. In Uganda. Water Mission operales as Water Missions Uganda (WMU) with offices based in Jinja. WMU has sewed over 500.000 people with safe water and sanitation solutions in development and refugee emergency settings.
Our faith and belief in the sanctity of life economies us in develop and implement die best technologies and community development programs so God vril be honoured and glorified through our work. Our mission is to be a best-in-class Christian engineering non-profit that transforms lives through sustainable safe water solutions.
Because our mission is global. urgent. and enormous the person in any of the following positions must have the temperament and energy to he a leader in an entrepreneurial environment. The person must have the ability and be willing to fulfil multiple responsibilities. He or she must not only be comfortable in, but be energized by highly fluid. rapidly changing work environments.
At WMU we work as a learn. All employees must show initiative and seek to improve the way things are done and to conduct the work in an increasingly cost effective manner. Because WMU seeks to share the news of the Living Water. all employees are expected to share the gospel through their minds and actions.