We support people who suffer because of armed conflict or natural disasters, by helping them to rebuild their homes and their livelihoods and to live peacefully together in stable communities. We believe in the biblical message of reconciliation and restoration for a broken world. And we believe we have a specific responsibility to restore hope for people, particularly those in vulnerable positions. Inspired by our faith, we reach out to people in need, irrespective of their race, ethnicity, religion or gender.
Strategic Plan
Our mandate can be summarized in these two terms: relief and recovery. The context in which we operate is often fragile. We strive to be in areas where our added value is greatest and seek to reach out to the most vulnerable. In the strategic plan ‘Every Life Matters’ you will find our main focus areas for the coming years. In this plan you can read who we are, what we do and how we prepare for future changes.
Our vision
We believe that God calls us to bring peace, reconciliation, and hope to a broken world. We work towards a world where people have hope and live dignified lives in peaceful communities, and have faith that one day we will experience the true peace.
Strong foundation
Our programs are focused on long term results. This means that we provide emergency assistance, but also provide support during reconstruction. We do this in cooperation with the local population, led by our core values to guide us in what we do and help us stay sharp.