The German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) has commissioned the Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) with the Programme Strengthening Governance and Civil Society in Uganda, “ co-funded by the European Union.
The main objective of the programme is that selected state and civil society actors in Uganda are in a better position to work towards compliance with human rights and governance principles (transparency, accountability, efficient and effective management and political participation) in their respective areas of responsibility.
Structurally, the programme focuses on 3 main components:
1) Strengthening Accountability
2) Strengthening Human Rights and
3) Strengthening Civil Society.
In the area of civil society support GIZ, co-funded by the EU, focusses on: (1) creating an enabling environment, (2) foster political participation and (3) capacity building for civil society organizations (CSO). CUSP is following a specific approach utilizing the experience already made at the level of certain GIZ sector support and development programmes as well as the EU National Indicative Programme (NIP).
The programme component (1) creating an enabling environment cooperates closely with the other programme components (2) foster political participation and (3) capacity building for CSOs which will be primarily be implemented through the hubs in Kampala, Gulu, Mbale and three mobile hubs.
We are now recruiting an advisor on political participation on national level (programme component 1) in Kampala.