Monitoring and Evaluation Officer Job at Aga Khan Foundation (AKF)

Aga Khan Foundation, Prince Charles Drive, Kampala, Uganda
negotiable Expired 4 years ago
This job has expired.


The Aga Khan Foundation (AKF), an agency of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN), was established by His Highness the Aga Khan in 1967. AKF is a private, not—for—profit international development agency that seeks to provide long–term solutions to society’s problems. AKF brings together human, financial, and technical resources to address challenges faced by the poorest and most marginalised communities in the world.

AKF has a special focus on investing in human potential, expanding opportunity, and improving the overall quality of life, especially for women and girls. AKF’s primary areas of focus are; Education; Early Childhood Development (ECU); Health and Nutrition; Civil Society; Agriculture and Food Security; and Economic inclusion.

AKF is committed to improving the quality of life of all boys and girls, women and men in the communities we work. To achieve this, AKF delivers multi—sector programming in the above sectors and assumes a holistic and systems approach ensuring all interventions are globally informed. locally rooted, are embedded in government and. community interests and structures, and work to promote social inclusion, equity, and pluralism.

About the Project

The AKDN East Africa COVID-19 Response Project will provide rapid response funds to various local Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) to enable them to reach their most vulnerable constituents with support based on their emerging needs arising from the COVID—19 pandemic.

The program will also provide a platform, comprising Human Centered Design workshops, flexible grants, and mentorship, to support young entrepreneurs to design innovative business solutions that will meet the medium to short term needs of the community emerging from the pandemic. The 2.5year project will be implemented in Central and West Nile(Arua)regions of Uganda.
AKF invites applications from suitably qualified candidates for the following vacancies:

Title: Monitoring and Evaluation Officer
Reporting Unit/Supervisor Programme Manager .

Position Description
The Monitoring and Evaluation Officer will lead the M&E activities under the AKON East Africa COVID-19 Project to be implemented in Central and West Nile (Arua) regions of Uganda. The M&E Officer will be responsible for planning and implementation of baseline, midline and endline activities, planning of regular monitoring activities and supporting collection of success stories and capturing impact of the project as it progresses.

Key responsibilities
• Coordinate with the regional and Country program MERL teams to plan and implement the various activities such as base line, midline and end line activities on the program in country.
• Setup a project MIS system and provide timely and quality M&E data inputs to the regular monthly, quarterly and annual program reports.
• Ensure M&E data needs are integrated into programme quality tools and do not exist as separate M&E or data collection tools and processes and be responsible for all data management needs under the program
• Ensure documentation of success stories, and impact from the ground maintaining a rich data base of stories with pictures and case studies on lessons learnt and best practices.
• Work with the AKF MERL team to facilitate dissemination and program learning activities.
• Support subgrantees and recipients of the flexible response funds to strengthen their M&E systems; review and guide on their systems and processes, feedback on their reports and work closely with their M&E response persons to improve their M&E capacity
• Participate in updating of AKF online technologies in M&E including the Awards information Management System (AIMS), and Global Reach System (GRS)

Required Skills & Experience:
• Bachelor’s degree in Development studies, statistics, economics or related field. Post Graduate qualifications in M&E is an added advantage
• Relevant M&E experience of at least 4 years
• Strong computer and analytics skills, along with experience managing complex data sets. using different analysis tools is required
• Proven ICT skills, especially in the development of MIS using database software;
• Strong computer and analytics skills, along with experience managing complex data sets, using different analysis tools is required
• Proven ICT skills, especially in the development of MIS using database software;
• Strong report writing skills
• Ability to communicate clearly and effectively with diverse audiences in English

Job Education Requirements: Bachelors’ degree

Job Experience Requirements: 4 years

Work Hours: 8

Job application procedure
Click on the following link to apply . Interested candidates are requested to submit a cover letter, CV including contacts of three references, by 19th March 2021.

All Jobs

Uganda, Kampala


This job has expired.