Job Title : District Production Officer
Salary Scale : U1E
Reports to : Chief Administrative Officer
Responsible for : Principal Agricultural Officer
Principal Veterinary Officer
Principal Fisheries Officer
Principal Commercial Officer
Principal Entomologist
Job Purpose
To coordinate, manage and monitor the production and marketing programmes, projects and activities
in the District.
Key Outputs
i. Preparation of Production and Marketing budgets and Strategic Action Plans coordinated;
ii. Government policies, programmes, projects, regulations and district budgets and strategic action
plans on production and Marketing implemented;
iii. Delivery of production and marketing extension services in the District coordinated;
iv. Technical guidance and advice to the district management and Council on production and marketing
matters tendered;
v. Detection and control of the threat and occurrence of pests, vermin and animal epidemics
vi. Use and management of Production and marketing facilities monitored;
vii. Use of appropriate production technologies and best marketing practices promoted;
viii. Market information acquired and disseminated; and