International Justice Mission (IJM) is an international human rights organization that works to ensure that all, especially the most vulnerable, have proper and appropriate access to justice. IJM works directly with survivors of violence to offer support and assistance. IJM also works closely with local and national governments, religious and traditional leaders and in particular with the public justice system to support them and build system-wide capacity.
IJM has been operating in Uganda for over 13 years and has a nationwide partnership with the Justice Law & Order Secretariat that focuses on effective prevention of and response to all forms of violence against women & children. IJM’s vision for its work in Uganda is that by 2030 all women and children across the country are protected by the justice system, are empowered and live free from violence.
EU – Spotlight
The Spotlight Initiative is a global, multi-year partnership between the European Union and the United Nations to eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls. In Uganda the Spotlight Initiative will work across 7 districts focusing on responding to violence against women and girls and harmful practices.
As part of the Spotlight Initiative, International Justice Mission will be working in Kasese district through its mentoring and collaborative casework model to improve knowledge of essential services, strengthen and improve the coordination of services, incorporate survivor voice and strengthen community accountability. IJM will used this innovative, evidence-based model to implement Outcome 4 of the Spotlight Initiative:
Outcome 4–Quality Services: Women and girls who experience violence and harmful practices use available, accessible, acceptable, and quality essential services including for long term recovery for violence.
1.0 Specific Tasks
As part of this project, IJM seeks the following areas of consultancy assistance to support the delivery of Outcome 4 of the EU – Spotlight project in Kasese District:
(a) Conduct of PJS stakeholder engagement workshops in Kasese District as part of IJM’s wider team of technical experts to identify gaps in service delivery and develop interventions to address them; and
(b) Delivery of training modules to stakeholders both on a single sector and multi-sector basis through trainings and interactive workshops for essential services strengthening.
Each consultancy-specific deliverable will focus on VAWC + HP investigations.
2.0 Scope of Work
As part of this assignment, IJM seeks the following areas of consultancy assistance to support the Gaps assessment and delivery of Outcome 4 to the EU – Spotlight in Kasese District:
2.1 Stakeholder engagement
Technical assistance in the working with the Uganda Police leadership at National, District and grassroots Level to:
a) Working identify Police officers who will champion the spotlight project objectives as champions and contributors in the project area forming part of the VAWG-HP task force.
b) Alongside IJM ILED team mobilize and secure attendance of sectoral stakeholder workshop relevant to Uganda Police Officers working within the project area and where necessary Police leadership at National and regional levels.
c) Assist IJM to obtain relevant permissions necessary to supporting Spotlight operations in the project area.
2.2 Public Justice system Gap Analysis
a) Receive and train on IJM recommended casefile review tools.
b) Obtain relevant permissions at district and National level necessary to permit access to carry out the Police casefile review in the project area and support IJM Spotlight activities during project life.
c) Be part of the team that will conduct casefile sampling. The consultant will work with IJM MERL Coordinator to develop a Sampling methodology.
d) Identification and recruitment of experienced Police Officers/units to assist in the casefile review. It will involve CFPU and GBV desk officers with support from the CID records officers.
e) Engaging with and ensuring that the respective police officers locate and avail for review all the casefiles that will be identified through the sampling and classification process
f) Using the approved review tools alongside IJM ILED staff, and UPF officers conduct a systematic review of police casefiles in the Project area under the established methodology.
2.3 Mentorship/essential services strengthening
a) In collaboration with IJM ILED team, the consultant will deliver one mentorship workshop for select police officers in Kasese based on identified knowledge and skillset gaps.
3.0 Supervision
The consultant will be under direct supervision of Senior Manager FortPortal Projects and Mark Fox.
4.0 Work Schedule (Outputs derived from Scope of work 2.0)
The consultant is expected to deliver the following key outputs, in collaboration with technical staff from IJM
Due Date
Amount of Effort (Days)
Mobilize and Participate in IJM Facilitated Workshops with stake holders
Identification mobilization and follow up with identified police officers to ensure the full attendance of the Mentorship workshop
Nov- 30
In collaboration with IJM ILED team, deliver one mentorship workshop for police officers in Kasese based on identified knowledge and skillset gaps.
Nov – 30
Public Justice system Gap Analysis
Train on IJM recommended casefile review tools
Nov- 30
Identification and recruitment of experienced Police Officers/units to assist in the casefile review.
Nov- 30
Obtain relevant permissions at District and National level necessary to permit access to carry out the Police casefile review in the project area.
Nov- 30
Sampling of casefiles for Review (Includes identification, selection and ensuring that sampled files are available for review)
Testing Tools
Conduct casefile reviews alongside IJM ILED team
Nov -20
Report of findings and recommendations from the casefile review
Dec – 10
Deliver two mentorship workshops for select Police officers in Kasese
Dec – 15
5.0 Remuneration and Place of Work
The daily rate for this consultancy is to be discussed. The consultant is an independent contractor and will be responsible for their own taxes and is not an employee of IJM. IJM assumes no responsibility or liability for the consultant’s taxes.
The duty station for this consultancy shall be Fort Portal and no extra allowance shall be given in Fort Portal including for airtime or accommodation or subsistence. When the consultant travels to Kasese or other locations on IJM business, they shall travel with the IJM team and be entitled to meals and accommodation per diems in accordance with the IJM policy.
6.0 Qualifications/ Work Experience
· University degree In Social sciences, Law or any humanity
· At least five years working with a law enforcement/security agency in investigations
· Working Knowledge of basic computer applications (MS word and Excel spreadsheets).
· Proven experience developing and delivering training for Law enforcement or security departments/ agencies preferred.
· A high level of organizational and coordination skills.
· High level of attention to detail.
· An excellent command of the English language – both written and oral.
· Ability to work independently as well as in a team environment.
· Team Player
· Good team leadership
· Ability to produce quality work within a deadline and under pressure
Send Resume, Cover Letter & Statement of Faith to
* What is a statement of faith?
A statement of faith should describe your Christian faith and how you see it as relevant to your involvement with IJM. The statement can either be incorporated into the cover letter or submitted as a separate document and should include, at a minimum, a description of your spiritual disciplines (prayer, study, etc.) and your current fellowship or place of worship.