50 (Fifty ) jobs at Bukomansimbi District Local Government.

Bukomansimbi District Headquarters, Uganda
negotiable Expired 3 years ago
This job has expired.


Applications are invited from suitably qualified Ugandans to fill the following vacancies existing within Bukomansimbi District Local Government.

Job title: Chief Finance Officer
Reference No: DSC/BDLG/EXT/01/2022
No.of. Vacancies: 01
Salary Scale: U1E
Age limit: 25-50 Years

Job title: Head teacher Primary
Reference No: DSC/BDLG/EXT/02/2022
No.of. Vacancies: 10
Salary Scale: U4L
Age limit: 25-50 Years

Job title: Education Assistant II
Reference No: DSC/BDLG/EXT/03/2022
No.of. Vacancies: 36
Salary Scale: U7L
Age limit: 22-50 Years

Job title: Office Attendant
Reference No: DSC/BDLG/EXT/04/2022
No.of. Vacancies: 01
Salary Scale: U8
Age limit: 22-45Years

Job title: Askari
Reference No: DSC/BDLG/EXT/05/2022
No.of. Vacancies: 01
Salary Scale: U8
Age limit: 22-45Years

Job title: Porter
Reference No: DSC/BDLG/EXT/06/2022
No.of. Vacancies: 01
Salary Scale: U8
Age limit: 22-45Years

For more details about these posts, please contact the District Service Commission /Bukomansimbi Notice Board or visit www.bukomansimbi.go.ug.

Job application procedure
Application forms PSC Form 3 (Revised 2008) are obtainable from the Office of the Public Service Commission, Kampala, and District Service Commissions country wide, Chief Administrative Officer’s Offices and Town clerks offices or www.psc.co.ug.

Filled forms (3) copies must be accompanied by 3 recent coloured pass port size photographs plus certified copies of all relevant certificates/pass slips/transcripts and National ID to reach the Secretary District Service Commission, P.O. Box 293, Masaka not later than 14th March, 2022 at 5:00 PM. Serving officers should route their applications through their Heads of Departments who should be advised of the closing date to avoid delays.

Note 1: Please indicate on your PSC form reliable Postal Addresses, Telephone contact and email addresses
Note 2: Shortlisted applicants will be required during interviews to come along with all the original academic certificates, pass slips, transcripts and evidence of working experience where required. Note 3: As you come to submit your application, please observe SOPs for preventing the spread of COVID-19. Thus, wear a face mask, observe social distance, wash your hands and, also sanitize.

Central Region, Uganda, Bukomansimbi


This job has expired.