12 Co-researcher Jobs at Restless Development

Restless Development Uganda, Kampala, Uganda
negotiable Expired 5 years ago
This job has expired.


About Restless Development:
Restless Development is a global agency for youth-led development, supporting young people to demand and deliver a just and sustainable world for all. Through ten global Hubs, our work is delivered by young people, for young people, giving them the skills and resources to deal with the issues facing their communities and countries. Tackling unemployment and sexual rights, supporting young people to have a voice, and enabling youth leadership at the heart of development, Restless Development programs are genuinely life-changing.

Through our policy work targeting decision-makers globally, we are ensuring that young people’s voices are being heard not only in their local communities but right the way up to world leaders. About the role:

In this moment of rapid change, we want to understand how youth civil society is being affected by the COVID-19 crisis. The main research question behind this project is: How is youth civil society responding to the COVID-19 crisis? We are looking for co-researchers with a passion for youth activism, community engagement, and youth participation. Through a process of collective research, the group of 12 co-researchers from all over the world will be invited to research and reflect over the values and messaging behind the youth response to the COVID-19 crisis.

Through the research process, you will have the possibility of connecting with a group of other young people from all over the world and share your lived experiences so as to collectively make sense of the current crisis and its implications for youth-led groups and movements. In the process, you will experience the values and principles of participatory research.

Ultimately, the research will result in the writing of the first-ever State of Youth Civil Society, published by Restless Development in collaboration with The Development Alternative and Recrear International. The document will provide recommendations to advise governments on what should be in place to support youth-led responses and recovery.

Main responsibilities:
Each selected Co-researcher will be taking part in a series of remote activities for a total of 50 hours over the course of three months, from May 15th to August 7th 2020.
You will receive a total stipend of 500 USD.
As part of your engagement in the project you will be expected to:
● Carry out online research (follow social media, attend online events, read posts/articles);
● Document your observations by answering a series of collectively drafted questions and sharing them to the research team;
● Participate in 7 online sessions of 1.5 hours to reflect on and analyze your findings with other co-researchers;
● Carry out 3 interviews and document main takeaways;
● Write down 3 short stories profiling powerful youth initiatives;
● Create a 2 minute video sharing what you are learning/your reflections;
● Review and feedback the final report.

Job Skills: Not Specified

Applicants should:
● Be active within civil society spaces (youth activism, community engagement, social movements, etc.);
● Be comfortable working remotely and have stable internet connection;
● Be aged 18-30 years;
● Be comfortable communicating in English;
● You will not need any previous experience with participatory research;
● We encourage young people with a passion for digital activism to apply.

Job application procedure
For more information or if you have any questions contact freya@restlessdevelopment.org
Are you a young person age 18 to 30 active in a community group, social movement, or civil society organization?

We are recruiting a group of 12 co-researchers representing 6 global regions (South America, North America, Africa, Europe, Asia, and Oceania) for a three-month participatory research project aimed at understanding what youth organizing looks and feels like during the COVID-19 crisis.

Where: Home-based. Participation in the project will not require any traveling.
Timeline: May 15th to August 7th, 2020
Hours required: 50 hours
Stipend: $500 (USD)

To apply: Complete this APPLICATION FORM https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeTT8U7RFSrPlslcjv8k6kbEHlFq1tBnbSTg-PtzEDPhOZYWw/viewform by end of day Sunday May 10th, 2020

Uganda, Kampala


This job has expired.