John Snow, Inc. (JSI) is a leader in improving the health of individuals and communities by providing high-quality technical and managerial assistance to public health programs worldwide.
JSI has implemented projects in 100 countries, and currently operates from eight U.S. and 81 international offices for the past 30 years. The JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. ID a leading public health research and consulting organization.
About USAID RHITES-N Project:
USAIDRHITES-N, Lango will improve the use of integrated health services in Northern Uganda’s Lango region and strengthen the health system to sustain gains made by earlier projects USAID-RHITES-N, Lango will contribute to improving key population-based national health indicators; build the capacity of the Ugandan government to carry out a sustainable and locally-driven response to the HIV epidemic, while also improving TB, malaria, nutrition, MNCH+A, and WASH outcomes.
JSI will work with Ugandan stakeholders to design and implement health system strengthening strategies to scale up high-impact, evidence-based interventions at the national, sub-regional, district, and community levels, Interventions will include VMMC, virtual elimination of mother-to-child transmission of HIV, antiretroviral therapy and condom education and distribution. JSI will focus where the greatest impact can be realized, with a priority on hard-to-reach and high-HIVprevalence locations.
RHITES-N, Lango is a five-year contract. The JSI team includes Amref Health Africa, Doctors with Africa CUAMM. Another Option, and Medical Concierge Group