Organisation Background:
The Agricultural Business Initiative Group is a social enterprise with the overall vision to contribute: to ‘a competitive and sustainable agriculture and agribusiness sector in Uganda in support of equitable wealth creation in Uganda’. The abi Group consists of two companies Limited by Guarantee, aBi Development (formerly aBi Trust) and aBi Finance.
The main focus of aBi Development is to increase agricultural production and value addition by extending matching grants and business development services (BDS) to agribusinesses, farmer organizations and intermediaries. The grants and BDS enhance planning and management, production and business infrastructure, and upstream and downstream market linkages of producers and agribusinesses.
aBi Finance expands access to business finance for agricultural producers and agribusinesses by offering to Financial Institutions (Fis), financial incentives and infrastructure that make lending to the agricultural sector more attractive and less risky. Under the Financial Services Development (FSD) programme aBi Finance provides matching grants to Fls to build institutional capacity for enhancing the provision of financial services and increase outreach in rural areas.