With our job search engine, job seekers get access to millions of jobs from all over the Web and employers to reach relevant talent for every type of position. Unlike other sites that charge a fixed amount per job posting regardless of results, our pay-for-performance pricing model means you only pay when you get results. And you have complete flexibility; there are no contracts or long-term commitments.
Sponsored Jobs are the first jobs people see in Jobs Uganda’s search results. When someone searches for a job on Jobs Uganda, Sponsored Jobs are highlighted in search results and receive greater visibility than free job listings. Sponsored Jobs also receive up to 5X* more clicks than free listings.
Click on the link in the footer with a lost password or click here
and follow the instructions
After a person clicks on your job on our website, they are taken directly to the job description on the Job description page so they can apply through the contact form or email. If you want you can post jobs directly on Jobs Uganda and receive applications on our website Portal. Manage all candidates within your dashboard. Review applications, schedule interviews and view recommended candidates.
When people search for jobs, they enter keywords relevant to their interests and background. Your jobs will be displayed in search results when your job title, description, location, and other information relates to the search terms entered. The most relevant job seekers will see your job information.
They will contact you via email or details your filled on your application cover letter
Our System will match it with the relevant available Job openings, so that you get accurate job suggestions
Only if the employer allows it
Yes of-course
This feature helps you so that you do not miss out on job openings
Could be to a number of reasons such as :
- Invalid email address
- Incorrect job details or filter criteria
- No available jobs according to your selection
Because it is still incomplete